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Some of my work, thoughts, posts -- trying to put all in one place.
Feel at homeideate. communicate. verbalize. vocalize. connect. design. brand. strategize. contextualize. create. innovate. publicize advertise. digitize.
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Learn more »ideate. communicate. verbalize. vocalize. connect. design. brand. strategize. contextualize. create. innovate. publicize advertise. digitize.
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I recently received this digital e-mailer by Meru Cabs. I think it is good use of copy, timing, and medium. What do you think?
We all have been told a billion times about how important it is to keep our online identity safe. About how imperative it is to not share personal data, financial details and any information that can potentially harm us and our bank balance. But of course, not all of us […]
The social media landscape in the Middle East and North Africa has been an evolving affair. The ease of access and the two-way communication technology has fostered increased interaction and dialogue with people not only using this medium to communicate with their relatives/friends regularly but also for engaging with brands […]
Now, twitter is one medium that seems to be doing a whole lot of things right in the middle of so many wrongs. What wrongs you ask? Well, the current PRISM-related allegations have rocked Facebook and Google among other social media and internet giants, but Twitter remains out of this […]
Reliance One card (the loyalty card for Reliance retail brand across Reliance Fresh, Reliance Autozone, Reliance MART, and so on) sent me an e-mailer (the usual loyalty points summary + offers) and it included a simple graphical break-up of my shopping patterns at their stores. It tells me how […]
In recent times, we have comes across an ever-evolving medium of digital communication which has pretty much changed how the marketing game is played. Almost every brand that matters has now decided to embrace the digital medium to connect better with their target audience. This is a good sign of […]
A trillion posts go up on Facebook with a million companies trying to advertise themselves each day. How does one make their posts attract more attention? This is one common question that has struck almost everyone in the profession, at least once. I came across an article on ‘Facebook Edgerank’ […]
In 2006, TIME named ‘You’ as the Person of the Year. The easy access to real time information which resulted in further shrinking of the globe and the coming together of cultures and communities, triggered TIME to put ‘You’ at the forefront. ‘You’ referred to the individual, any individual, who […]