Facebook Edgerank, Explained

A trillion posts go up on Facebook with a million companies trying to advertise themselves each day. How does one make their posts attract more attention?

This is one common question that has struck almost everyone in the profession, at least once. I came across an article on ‘Facebook Edgerank’ that gave me an answer. As the article rightly states, a whole lot of Facebook users spend most of their time scrolling through the news feed on their wall. Also, 96% of the people do not go back to their brands Facebook page after initial engagement. So the best way to get them to look at your brand posts is to get it on their news feed. It is preferred that you post regularly because the more your brand appears on the news feed, more it will be remembered. Keeping the update short, adding a photo/video with it, making it a little interactive and not trying too hard to sell your brand, will get your posts a higher rank.

It’s rightly said, digital media might be an easy platform to reach your audience, but you sure should know how to do it right.

Source: Mashable.com