Samaritan’s Purse 3
Samaritan’s Purse from Zaeem Mirza on Vimeo. Credits Lakshmi Subramaniam Kasturi Dongaonkar Priyanka Kochchar Bhakti Dhara Sagar Zaeem Mirza
Samaritan’s Purse from Zaeem Mirza on Vimeo. Credits Lakshmi Subramaniam Kasturi Dongaonkar Priyanka Kochchar Bhakti Dhara Sagar Zaeem Mirza
Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.
Plan ahead. It for sure wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
Position: Manager Content Location: Mumbai Reports To: Assistant Vice President – Digital Department: Digital Function: Social Media for English Job in brief: • Content creation for social media • Content creation for the Website • Content Creation for the Mobile space – IVR, CRBTs and Ringtones • Vendor Management for […]
Little things usually come together to make big things happen — the little details are vital. *Image: hilleryrsdotcom
Hello folks! Hope you guys enjoyed the session and hope that I could add some value to your current knowledge! Feedback appreciated as comments below 🙂 While I have your attention, do not hesitate to get in touch with me for any assistance you may need and feel free to […]
ConCom The Problem: I have a continuous email inbox overflow. And I know, most of you have a similar situation too. Responding to emails takes a long time — something we can really cut down on. The Solution: Respond emails, and treat them, like SMS text messages. Use a manageable […]
Disclaimer: YET TO BE FORMATTED/CLEANED UP for Broken Links, extra text, etc. Sorry! Recommendations For Zaeem Business Strategist Google “Zaeem has been a rockstar performer from the start. I got to know him through one of the award ceremonies in Google where he was awarded for highest productivity ever in […]